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My Glaze Tests: Porcelain

Textured turquoise 3 coats

On Rovin porcelain fired at a slow cone 5, no hold. 3 coats of Textured Turquoise. Shiny.

3 coats Laguna Walnut Spice 3 coats

On Rovin porcelain fired at a slow cone 5, no hold. 3 Coats of Laguna Walnut Spice. Matte finish with speckled finish.

GMG 3 coats

On Rovin porcelain fired at a slow cone 5, no hold. 3 coats of Coyote Gun Metal Green.

1/2&1/2 mixed Amaco teal& light blue

On Rovin porcelain fired at a slow cone 5, no hold. This is 1/2 & 1/2 Amaco Teal and Amaco Light Blue satin matte glaze, 3 coats. Buttery finish.

2 coats Coytoe Eggplant under 2 coats GMG

On Rovin porcelain fired at a slow cone 5, no hold. 2 coats of Coyote Eggplant under 2 coats of Gun Metal Green. Crystals.

Eggplant 3 coats

On Rovin porcelain fired at a slow cone 5, no hold. 3 coats of Coyote Eggplant.

Arrowmont Blue-Green

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. 3 second dip. Satin finish.

Mug Arrowmont Blue Green

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Turquoise. 3 second dip. Satin finish.


On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. 3 second dip. Satin finish.

Red Gold cone 6 SH slow cool

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. 3 brushed coats. Crystals seem to form at 2 coats. Satin finish.

Coyote Opal & GMG

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. 2 coats of Coyote Opal brushed on with one coat of Coyote Gunmetal Green on top. Shiny with pretty crystals & pin holing .


On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. 3 second dip. Satin finish.

Bri's set

Steven Hill slow fire. 1 coat Tourmaline under 2 coats Textured Turquoise with Chowder splattered on the top and brushed on where the lobes form on the leaf. Satin finish.

SCM Cool with Binger plate

Rovins cone 6 porcelain. SH slow cool firing schedule. Binger needs to get to cone 7 to form crystals I think. Top of this schedule gets to cone 7, but SCM cool underneath may have interfered with crystal formation? Still beautiful! SCM cool applied with toothbrush splatter under 1 pour of old Binger (glaze was more than 1 year old). Mixture of satin and gloss finish, mostly satin.

1 coat of SCM & 2 coats of Coyote Opal .

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 1 coat of Strontium Crystal Magic Cool with 2 coats of Coyote Opal brushed as topcoats. Matte and shine combined. Donot putOpal clear to the base of the vessel as it is runny.

Gun metal Green under Opal SH slow cool

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. 2 coats of gun metal green half way down or less with 1 top coat of Coyote Opal. Shiny, big crystals. Runny! Don't go clear to the vessel base with Opal.

2 SCM cool under Eggplant SH slow cool

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 1 coat of Strontium Crystal Magic Cool with 2 coats of CoyoteEggplant. Matte, mottled surface. Greenish tinge on the rim. Need to test this more.

Arrowmont Blue-Green dip SH slow cool

On Adamah porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Dip in Arrowmont Blue Green. Matte and shine combined with medium crystals. Shiny & darker blue where glaze is thick, matte & lighter blue where thinner.

2 Gun metal Green under 1 Opal

On porcelain SH slow cool cone 6. 2 coats Gun Metal Green under 1 coat of Coyote Opal. Runny but lovely. GMG should go only 1/3 to 1/2 way down and Opal should not go clear to the base. Test again!

1 SCM cool under 2 Coyote Blue Purple SH

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 1 coat of Strontium Crystal Magic Cool with 2 coats of Coyote Blue Purple brushed as topcoats. Matte.

SH cone 6-2 GMG under 1 Opal

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 2 coats of Gunmetal Green under 1 coat of Opal. Do not go clear to the base because it will run. Beautiful crystals, nice breaking on rim, and satin finish.

SH cone 6-3 coats Orion

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. 3 brushed coats of Coyote Orion. Beautiful breaking with browns and greens in the glaze. Satin finish. Runny; do not go to the bottom of the vessel with Orion.

SAH cone 6-.Iron Yellow Amacojpg

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. 3 coats of Amaco Iron Yellow. Comes out glossy, light gray in the slow cool cycle.

SH cone 6-3 Coyote Creamy w_ Speckles

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 3 coats of Coyote Creamy with Speckles. Glossy finish.

Iron oxide wiped off under Textured Turq

Do not know the clay body or firing schedule. It looks like B mix or porcelain.

SH cone 6- 2 SCM cool under 1 Night Sky.

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 2 coats of Strontium Crystal Magic Cool with1 coat of Night Sky (Coyote?). Glossy. Moss green & mauve.Some darkish blue where thick & white where thin or raised as on slip work.

SH cone 6-2 SCM cool under 1 Sedona Suns

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 2 coats of Strontium Crystal Magic Coll under 1 coat of Sedona Sunset. Glossy with cream and sunset streaking."Foamy" & pinholing where too thick. Possibly cone 6 is too hot?

SH cone 6-2 SCM cool under 1 Sedona Suns

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 2 coats of Strontium Crystal Magic Coll under 1 coat of Sedona Sunset. Glossy with cream and sunset streaking."Foamy" & pinholing where too thick. Possibly cone 6 is too hot?

SH cone 6- 2 SCM cool under 1 Sedona Sun

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 2 coats of Strontium Crystal Magic Coll under 1 coat of Sedona Sunset. Glossy with cream and sunset streaking."Foamy" & pinholing where too thick. Possibly cone 6 is too hot?

SH cone 6- 2 SCM cool under 1 Iron Yello

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 2 coats of Strontium Crystal Magic Cool under 1 coat of Iron Yellow. Matte white with pale yellow throughout.

SH cone 6- 2 SCM cool under 1 Ancient Ja

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 2 coats of Strontium Crystal Magic Cool under 1 coat of Ancient Jasper. Runny.Matte yellow gold dominates with streaks of nutmeg brown. Shiny where thick.

SH cone 6- 2 SCM cool under 1 Opal

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 2 coats of Strontium Crystal Magic Cool under 1 coat of Coyote Opal. Matte light blue with yellow gold highlights.

SH cone 6- 2 SCM cool under 1 Lapis Sati

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 2 coats of Strontium Crystal Magic Cool under 1 coat of Coyote Lapis Satin. Matte. Predominately light blue with dark blue. Breaks green.

SH cone 6- 2 SCM cool under 1 Lapis Sati

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 2 coats of Strontium Crystal Magic Cool under 1 coat of Coyote Lapis Satin. Matte. Predominately light blue with dark blue. Breaks green.

SH cone 6- 2 SCM cool under 1 Textured T

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 2 coats of Strontium Crystal Magic Cool under 1 coat of Amaco Textured Turquoise. Matte. Pale lavendar with green highlights.

SH cone 6- 2 SCM cool under 1 Steel Grey

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 2 coats of Strontium Crystal Magic Cool under 1 coat of Coyote Steel Gray Shino. Matte. Interesting. Grey & green, pink, & dark blue. Gray where thick.

SH cone 6- 2 SCM cool under 1 Orion

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 2 coats of Strontium Crystal Magic Cool under 1 coat of Coyote Orion. Matte with gloss highlights. Swirly gray-green with yellow gold tinges. More yellow where thick. Dark green gloss where it breaks.

SH cone 6- 2 SCM cool under 1 Orion2

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 2 coats of Strontium Crystal Magic Cool under 1 coat of Coyote Orion. Matte with gloss highlights. Swirly gray-green with yellow gold tinges. More yellow where thick. Dark green gloss where it breaks.

Aurora Green

Mayco Aurora Green, cone 6 medium firing.


Mayco Honeycomb, cone 6 medium firing.

Robin's Egg

Mayco Robin's Egg with cone 6 medium firing.

Hydrangea Blue

Mayco Blue Hydrangea with 3 Pear Celadon inside. Cone 6 medium firing.

Limelight  Shower

Mayco Lime Shower with 3 Pear Celadon on interior. Cone 6 medium firing.

Celadon Bloom

Mayo Celadon Bloom on porcelain, with 3 Marigold celadon on interior. Medium speed cone 6 firing.

Pearl with Chowder

Porcelain, Steven Hill slow cool firing. Porcelain cone 6-6.5. Two dips Pearl with Chowder brushed over slip trailing. Kiln got to cone 6.5

Dogbone dish

REFIRED. Rovins Porcelain. SH Slow cool. 1 coat Tourmaline under 2 coats Textured Turquoise. This combo was unattractive. 2nd firing= same firing schedule with the addition of Hot Running Chowder in the bottom and splattered on rim. Satin finish.

Wave bowl

REFIRED. Refiring did not alter this glaze combination although it may have matted it out a little more which I liked. Gold= Adirondack Gold Fixative for alcohol inks. On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 1 coat of Strontium Crystal Magic Cool with 2 coats of Coyote Opal brushed as topcoats. Matte and shine combined. Do not put Opal clear to the base of the vessel as it is runny.

Wave Bowl

REFIRED. Refiring did not alter this glaze combination although it may have matted it out a little more which I liked. Gold= Adirondack Gold Fixative for alcohol inks. On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 1 coat of Strontium Crystal Magic Cool with 2 coats of Coyote Opal brushed as topcoats. Matte and shine combined. Do not put Opal clear to the base of the vessel as it is runny.


REFIRED. Rovins porcelain. 1st firing= 1 dip Pearl, SH slow cool . Piece was too thinly glazed. . 2nd firing= 2 dips in old Binger and SH Slow Cool cycle, modified schedule. Finish=matte & satin. looks like Petosky stones!

HOneypot 4

REFIRED. Rovins porcelain. 1st firing= 1 dip Pearl, SH slow cool . Piece was too thinly glazed. . 2nd firing= 2 dips in old Binger and SH Slow Cool cycle, modified schedule. Finish=matte & satin. looks like Petosky stones!

Honeypot 3

REFIRED. Rovins porcelain. 1st firing= 1 dip Pearl, SH slow cool . Piece was too thinly glazed. . 2nd firing= 2 dips in old Binger and SH Slow Cool cycle, modified schedule. Finish=matte & satin. looks like Petosky stones!

Refired green bowl #2

Rovins porcelain. Refired 3 times. 1st firing= Cone 6 or SH Slow Cool. Glaze=Pearl (pinholes). 2nd firing= SH Slow Cool with Mayco Green Tea (ugly) 3rd firing= SH Slow Cool. 1 pour of Binger. Beautiful as seen in photo but w/ small pinholes in bottom of bowl. Will rehire 4th time & post results after applying more Binger to bottom of bowl.

Refired green bowl

Rovins porcelain. Refired 3 times. 1st firing= Cone 6 or SH Slow Cool. Glaze=Pearl (pinholes). 2nd firing= SH Slow Cool with Mayco Green Tea (ugly) 3rd firing= SH Slow Cool. 1 pour of Binger. Beautiful as seen in photo but w/ small pinholes in bottom of bowl. Will rehire 4th time & post results after applying more Binger to bottom of bowl.

SH cone 6- 2 SCM cool under 1 Iron Lustr

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 2 coats of Strontium Crystal Magic Coo under 1 coat of Iron Lustre. Matte with glossy highlights.Predominantly pale gold-cream with navy shine where thick. Not runny at all.

SH cone 6- 2 SCM cool under 1  Seaweed

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 2 coats of Strontium Crystal Magic Coll under 1 coat of Amaco Seaweed. Matte. Turquoise, breaks green withblack chalkiness in the bowl bottom. Maybe too hot a firing? Not very runny.

SH cone 6- 2 SCM cool under 1  Seaweed-2

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 2 coats of Strontium Crystal Magic Coll under 1 coat of Amaco Seaweed. Matte. Turquoise, breaks green withblack chalkiness in the bowl bottom. Maybe too hot a firing? Not very runny.

SH cone 6- 2 SCM cool under 1  GMG

On Rovin porcelain fired at SH slow cool cycle cone 6. One peep left open throughout firing. Brushed 2 coats of Strontium Crystal Magic Cool under 1 coat of Gun Metal Green. Matte. Turquoise, breaks breaks cream.Yellow where thick, dark where thin. Somewhat runny. Do not go to the base with glaze.

SH Transparent Green-heavy
SH Transparent Green-Duffy
SH Speckled crystals
SH Chung Green-Sean

Dishwasher, microwave, &

food safe .

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Iron oxide (liquid)  & Meadow glaze.jpg

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Last updated 1-30-2025

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